This page gave me a lot of problems. Ironically it was one of the ones I had choreographed months ago as one of the few details of the fight worked out ahead of time. Sadly by the time it came to actually draw the page I knew I could not pull off what I had originally wanted to do. Partly this is due to the medium (the same actions would look cool in film, but would just be confusing in panels), it is also partly due to my artistic ability still not being good enough to draw everything I want (still looking for a real artist to partner up with, but no luck yet). I also had originally intended to “give” Robin the redshirt’s leather coat, it would give me more practice drawing clothes, and be more forgiving to draw then the contours of her arms (hopefully speeding things up down the road). I have never been happy with the shading/ lighting on the leather though. It just did not seem realisticly glossy I guess and I did not want to commit to adding it to her look for 50 pages or more if I was not sure. So I surfed the web looking for well drawn examples of shiny leather until inspiration hit me for the plot. The page came fairly quickly after that.