Another color page because Monday was a holiday and honestly red fire is cooler. While this page was a lot of fun to do and I learned a lot doing it, such as what all I need to plan out to panel a page before I scan it in instead of moving everything into position after, it did take over 9 hours to make. Part of this was learning new stuff such as the paneling and working with the new character (his head is shaped oddly and I like it but I don’t have a perfect model for it yet). The rest of it was due to the fact that there is a lot on this page. Beyond the fire and sharks there are 8 people I had to draw and color where I started with only 4 in the beginning pages. I am always trying to stretch my self as an artist but that means as a get better and faster I do more and never really seem to have enough time to do a second page. I already have to take a few breaks to rest my hand and defrazzle my self on top of the 9 hour project like this. I am going to try and not bite off more then I can chew in the next couple of pages, though the plot I have planed out for chapter 2 is already more complex than it was in chapter 1.