Page 52: Where have you been
It feels like it has been forever but at long last here is another page of plot. Now you are probably asking how I knew I would be posting this page of the script the first day back when I didn’t know how many pages I was going to be able to get done before I moved? The answer, I rewrote the script. I have a broad frame work stretching out chapters in advance with areas of greater detail mapped out. While some of these areas are spread out I like to have the next week or so hammered out. Because the script is built in blocks based on the jokes and witty banter many of them can be rearranged or have new ones added before all the wrinkles are ironed out. I was looking for a way to take advantage of the week of no plot progression, and when I found it, it was fairly simple to add an introduction to this new perspective on the old story arc.
I didn’t get quite as much on this page as I wanted. I was a bit off on my estimate of how much room the dialogue would take up on the page and had to rearrange a few things. Long story short it was either divide it into two pages or start from the drawing board and try and find a way to make more negative space with out redrawing any more of the figures then I had to. I decided to divide the page so I could keep the rather nifty drawings I spend all weekend on (most of which will be on the next page).
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